
Weighed Down

There was a time when i thought rest would never come to me. I was so physically and mentally worn out that a deep exhaustion had settled in my bones. Life was pretty much on autopilot - work, home, church, eat, sleep, repeat. No time for dreaming, no time to pause, no time for conversations or to mourn the days lost.  One October, as I settled in for the evening after a particularly long day, JT brought me my birthday present. To this day, it's still one of the best presents I have ever received. It didn't come neatly wrapped in a coloured wrapper or tied with a bow. It wasn't in a box I could jiggle to try and guess its contents, nor was it something from my list of "Things I need". Which by the way is just titles of books...books and more books.    It was instead a grey squarish chunk and it was HEAVY.  My tired arms dragged the parcel towards me and as I peeled back the packaging, my eyes darted to his face questioningly. His expression - amused with a boyish ...

Music Monday : Brittany Howard

This video is all kinds of happy! Should everyone's drive home from work be filled with music and singing and foot shuffles? Why, YES of course!  Brittany Howard  is the lead singer of Alabama Shakes , one of my favourite blues rock bands. Her debut solo album, Jaime, comes out in September this year and I can't wait!

New Life

This month, we experienced a tremendous loss with the passing of a family member. My uncle Allan was a fun, loving and remarkable man who was taken from us too soon but will be forever remembered. Before he passed, we visited him in hospital and he shared that he was writing a song. He only had a few lines but he sang what he had and it got him through the scary days of test after test. A couple of weeks later, his condition worsened. I came home after a particularly tough hospital visit and sat in my living room praying. I had a feeling that this song needed to be written. It was to be our song which triumphed over death. New Life Written by Allan Alexander Ignatius & Melisa Ann Music by Jason Teoh Verse 1 When I am troubled and greatly weighed My heart pants and my words they fail In Jesus I will hope and put my trust For You O Lord, strengthen my heart Chorus Pin it on the cross Your sickness and pain Pin it on the cross Your troubles and your shame...


Image When I was in my twenties, I had a huge meltdown over this verse from Jeremiah 29:13.   "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart." I was at a point in life where I had lost all hope and I hadn't even the strength to get out of bed. I did still flip through my bible every now and again hoping for a verse or maybe even just a word that would get me through another day.  So when I came across the word SEEK, I felt doomed. I thought to myself, "You mean I've got to get out of bed, and seek YOU? Like go out and FIND you? Aren't you like here already seeing me through this?  I worked myself into a right frenzy at the thought that God was going to pass me by or that He'd be hidden from me, His plans hidden from me because I didn't have the strength to seek. Didn't have the energy to sit and talk to Him. I laugh about this now as I finish hearing four back-to-back sermons from my pastor about...

Music Monday: The Regrettes

This band reminds me of something out of the 90s riot grrrl era! They are a relatively new punk rock band and some of their tracks have an edgy alternative rock or surf rock feel to. Their lyrics are pretty genius too and the lead singer Lydia Night's only 16!!

Music Monday: I See Rivers

A great new find, I'm glad I stumbled into this river!

conversations in the dark

him: i'm sorry... pls forgive me.... her: ... i forgive you. him: why? her: because you're my friend. him: ...but, I'm your boyfriend. her: no, you're my best friend. him: Can i be your husband one day? her: maybe. him: Can i use that to propose to you? her: not today. :)