Music Monday: A Camp

I'm sure you all knew the band The Cardigans way back in the nineties. The Swedish band whose music style greatly varies and encompasses an early indie - 60s inspired pop bordering on rock.

Their music probably appealed to young rock chicks growing up in the 90s. Well EVERYONE knows their hit song 'LoveFool' and I bet you guys thought it was the most rad song ever, especially after Baz Luhrmann included it in the Romeo + Juliet Soundtrack. *swoon*

Some others you might find familiar are "Erase/Rewind" and "My Favourite Game". (ring a bell??)

Well we're not here to reminisce on time long gone but to discover things of new! So moving on...Nina Persson singer behind the band has come up with a solo project called A Camp.

A Camp was formed during The Cardigans' break after several years of touring and recording albums and have a more country-inspired kinda feel to it.

Sometimes a break is exactly what you need to come up with something life changing. So lets hope Nina Persson goes on a roll with her next album coming out this Feb 09'

Tons of good stuff comes out of Sweden and so stay tuned for more in the next edition of Music Monday.


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