Music Monday: Bon Iver

It's a bit of a contemplative week for me and I find myself writing more than usual. Not in my blogs but I'm trying to finish a story that I've been working on. It's been in progress for a year actually and I haven't gotten far. But this week, I'm inspired. I always need a good song or a certain picture or a phrase of sorts to get me going. Sometimes it's even a good conversation that kick starts those creative juices.

This time round, I have Bon Iver to fuel me up. Go read up about the band. There's a pretty cool story of how the name came about. Bon Iver's kinda poetic to me. I discovered it a few years ago and it's my go-to band when I'm in that melancholy state. It doesn't happen as often these days. But it's a good balance of ups and downs.

Right now, it's helping me write so maybe, hopefully I'll finish this piece by Christmas.  :)


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