setting your sights

I'm not a very outdoorsy person although I'd like to think I am. I love walking the beach and discovering new trails in the city but when it comes to hiking, I cringe at the thought of getting my shoes muddy and having to battle leeches and various other killer-blood-sucking insects. But when my bestie suggested we visit one of Malaysia many waterfalls for the holidays, I jumped up and said "YES!" We headed to Hulu Langat towards Pangsun. The goal was to reach Lepok falls for a nice afternoon swim, indulge in homemade sandwiches and then head home. We found the small Orang Asli village at the foot of the hill and made our way into an area with Durian Orchards and Bamboo forests. It wasn't durian season thankfully so I didn't have to add the fear of falling durians to my already thumping heart. One of the guides told us the trail was leech-free but my eyes kept a look-out anyway. Hutan mana tak ada lintah!? It was pretty much a pleasurable walk in ...