Knitted together

The Tailor-Made Man is a powerful play and it's been awesome hearing the various accounts and reviews by people who caught it over the weekend. I didn't get the chance to watch it in its entirety but working behind-the-scenes on it brought a unique experience I never thought I'd have.

I agreed to help out not because I'm amazing at theatre productions but I was there solely because Jason (JD) needed people to help with the play. Being a close friend and brother to me, I knew how much this production meant to him and decided that I would do all I could to help out.

Little did I know, I would be in over my head!

I joined the props and stage team where I felt my interest in crafting and designing could be put to use. I was assigned the task of designing Mr Potiphar's set and after a few weeks of trying my hand at different ideas I felt that this just wasn't for me. I wasn't in my element and was beginning to feel flaky about being a part of the production.

I was flirting with the idea of bailing on stage design but Jason (my husband) talked some sense into me. He encouraged me to press in and he had faith in me. He said I couldn't disappoint JD and that God would give us the strength and creative ideas we'd need. So, along with guidance from the stage and props team lead by CY and Michelle, Mr Potiphar's scene was created.

Slowly, yes VERY VERY slowly, things took shape with the help of the amazing girls and guys from the props team. We bonded over tubs of paint, spray cans and chocolate, and I marvel at the attitude of these people who gave hugs freely and were always cheery despite working till late.

Picture by Huey Chin

When I first decided to move to Acts Church, I didn't have plans of where I would serve or what I would get involved in. I knew my husband would grow in Actstream and I was prepared to play the role of supporting wife. I put aside all that I had grown to love at my previous church and shelved the dreams I had within me. Being an elder at my previous church, it ached not to serve but after a few months of doing nothing, I was contented with just filling a seat.

Sure I made friends and agreed to host Homes and even stepped out of my comfort zone a little but I made sure not to delve too deep when making contact. I knew that liking FB statuses and saying 'Amen!' and 'I'll pray for you' in Whatsapp just doesn't constitute doing life with someone. But I wasn't prepared to go the extra mile.

Working on this production however made me sit up and realise that in life, there is a need to practice the skills of real human contact, from as small a gesture as eye contact or a smile, to the tenderness of a human embrace, real human interactions have the power to warm hearts and leave a lasting impression.

Working with the makeup team brought a whole other experience too. I met some of the nicest people on the team who were so forgiving when I messed up and cast who were ever so patient with my lack of skills. I rarely wear make up so I have no idea why Fiona and Melodie entrusted me with these characters. But it was such an amazing discovery process for me.

Getting to know the team and cast has been an enriching experience. Everyone always had a kind word to say and were so very encouraging. I almost forgot that these were complete strangers to me at that point of time.

So what did I take away from The Tailor-Made Man?

Maybe what I learnt from this production was to purposefully make connections and foster real relationships with the people I was thrown together with. I guess I'm back on the path of realising and revisiting my dreams and learning to be at peace with the idea that in life, some roles you are forced to play, are really orchestrated and tailor-made for you.


Kuan Cheen said…
Thanks for sharing Melisa!

Been ages since I read a post on a blog or even comment on one (blame it on FB) but this is worth it =)
hoydenmel said…
hehe. yea people rarely leave comments these days. but thank you for taking the time to do so. :)
hoydenmel said…
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