
Showing posts from January, 2011

She & Him - Don't Look Back

She & Him - Don't Look Back from Merge Records on Vimeo .

Do what you do well

“The place where God calls you is where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep hunger.” ~ Frederick Buechner


A broken heart's not that easy to mend. Duct tape will just have to hold it together for now....

conversations in the dark

him: i'm sorry... pls forgive me.... her: ... i forgive you. him: why? her: because you're my friend. him: ...but, I'm your boyfriend. her: no, you're my best friend. him: Can i be your husband one day? her: maybe. him: Can i use that to propose to you? her: not today. :)

... of food and stuff

There's nothing worse than when people start telling your boyfriend he's losing weight and looking good and then they turn to you and say, "owh you've filled out!" and then when my eyes pop at the expression "FILLED OUT" they say "owh it's a good thing! You were too skinny before." As if that would make me feel any better. hmmpphh. So anyway in my effort to not look so "filled out" particularly in the bottom region, (curse those fat ass genes) I've been trying to cut out all that's sugary and nice - no cookies, sweets, chocolate; no gluten - bread, pastas, crackers, rice(?); no caffeine and booze; and if possible, no processed meat. But that basically cuts out all my staples! I wrote a food diary yesterday to see if what I was having was passable as healthy, and no it didn't look pretty... Breakfast: Milo and Sambal Ikan Bilis pastry Lunch : Wan Ton Noodles Snack: Crackers with a healthy spread of Nutella Late Dinner...

why hellooo 2011!

I've met a Lilly, a Hyacinth and I've met a Dianthus. Pretty cool ladies, which makes me feel like naming your kid after a flower ain't such a bad thing. Flower named ladies used to remind me of old people with cats for some reason. That is, until i met these three. This year, I'm hoping to meet more interesting people with interesting names and interesting jobs. That's all I wanna achieve this year I think. Well of course there are those dreams and visions. This massive puzzle called life is slowly taking shape and sometimes the pieces fit perfectly while at other times, it's like pffttt . I've now learnt that square pegs don't fit in round holes and blue comes in all shapes and sizes. Thank you 2010 for all the awesomeness and the blehh moments. Dancing on into 2011 ...