Music Monday: Switchfoot

Okok I know they're not new and 'undiscovered' or 'unheard' of but they're COMING TO MALAYSIA so this warrants a post for this week. :D

Well Switchfoot hails from San Diego and consists of Jerome Fontamillas, Chad Butler, Drew Shirley, Jon Foreman and Tim Foreman.

Did you know that the name "Switchfoot" is a surfing term? According to Jon Foreman, to switch your feet means to take a new stance facing the opposite direction. It's about change and movement, a different way of approaching life and music.

That sorta reminds me of my church - 180°. Making a change - moving away from the norm and being absolutely different, radical and turning lives around! It's just amazing to be part of something that's life-changing!

A little update on Wiki is that they are working on their a studio project called Vice Verses. According to Butler, the core of the record will rest thematically in the idea of the polarity of life. A release date of June, 2011 has been tentatively set.


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