
It's a strange thought. One which I've for the longest time refused to think about. I said YES in February, and then folded the BIG M and tucked it neatly into a box. It was perhaps fear of the unknown or apprehension about the whole idea. Or maybe it was just a fleeting feeling that there's so much yet to be done. So I hit pause.
But today, I took a peek at it. I took the idea of marriage out of that box, unfolded it and I looked at it long and hard.
Today, it didn't scare me. It looked right back at me and winked. And I hugged it.
The Big M is now pinned to my mirror. Everytime i look at it, I'm reminded of the sappy yet utterly beautiful poem by Ludwig van Beethoven - Immortal Beloved.
And so on a bright sunny day next year, I will gather myself and echo him saying ever thine, ever mine, ever ours.