
Today, it suddenly dawned upon me that by this time next year, I'd be waking up and instead of hearing my mom pottering about the kitchen, I'd be the one toasting bread and making coffee for the man who would be a permanent fixture in my life.

It's a strange thought. One which I've for the longest time refused to think about. I said YES in February, and then folded the BIG M and tucked it neatly into a box. It was perhaps fear of the unknown or apprehension about the whole idea. Or maybe it was just a fleeting feeling that there's so much yet to be done. So I hit pause.

But today, I took a peek at it. I took the idea of marriage out of that box, unfolded it and I looked at it long and hard.

Today, it didn't scare me. It looked right back at me and winked. And I hugged it.

The Big M is now pinned to my mirror. Everytime i look at it, I'm reminded of the sappy yet utterly beautiful poem by Ludwig van Beethoven - Immortal Beloved.

And so on a bright sunny day next year, I will gather myself and echo him saying ever thine, ever mine, ever ours.


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