One Word: Thrive

I watched the perfect movie to kickstart the new year. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

The soundtrack for it felt like it was right out of my college playlist with songs by Jose Gonzales, Jack Johnson, Rogue Wave... well my playlist hasn't strayed very far but gosh, I was one excited cinema-goer.

I just soooo connected with Walter Mitty's character in a way. Well sorta.

I zone out. A lot. My daydreams don't happen like Walter's do but they kinda revolve around the coulda woulda shoulda scenario.

Things I should have said. Things I could have done. Things I would do. should I? Could I?

Thinking bout all these at once brought such a heavy feeling as I retreated on new years and this led to writing my first post of this year. I've been blogging since 2004 and boy has it been marvelous to look back and see how much I've grown. In thoughts and words and deeds.

As I welcome in 2014, I think about words. Well I always think about words. But I was thinking about Words that can be used to describe a year. 2013 was about being present. To be all there. And I was. I think I lived out my promise to be present in 2013.

So what would 2014 be about? As I go through the motions of day-to-day life and experience moment after moment, sometimes merely scraping by, I realise that 2014 should be more. It's not merely about surviving another year. 2013 was good. But I'm ready for more.

For 2014, I want to THRIVE. To flourish, to grow, to develop vigorously. Although the word vigorously scares me but I know it's time. To truly thrive. To be more than I could be. More than I believe myself to be.

Sometimes when I'm alone with my thoughts it feels like I'm flying solo and and I'm just gliding but never landing. Just kinda coasting through life bearing the brunt of turbulence and rain clouds and hail on my own. I know flying solo has got me across many hurdles and I will continue to overcome. In that achievement of overcoming, I want to thrive and not just survive.

Besides 'grow vigorously', Wordweb defines Thrive as to "Make steady progress; be at the high point in one's career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance". Those are high goals, and I'm not sure if being a 'historically significant or important person' is high on my bucket list, but making a significant difference in someone's life is.

As I reach forth in an attempt to attain this goal for 2014 I'm reminded about running this race with a spirit of excellence.

Hebrews 12:1-29 ESV

" with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith."

"...and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe..."

I kick off from 2013 to 2014 and fall back on this constant prayer, that I reach from one great height to the next, in all areas but especially in my walk with The Big Guy, the ONE who's gonna help me THRIVE.


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