Letter to my younger self

Dear Mel, Boy does it feel weird saying that. This is ME , writing to you from the future. So actually, this is really YOU and you have just turned 27! At 17, you're simply known as Melisa. You think your n ame is boring and spelt wrong. Well the good news is, 10 years from now, you love your name! You even win a book in a slogan-writing competition about 'what's in a name' . Right now, most people call you Mel. Even people you don't know - which is annoying! Everyone seems to have shorter names now - Jo, Jules, Fli, Jazz as opposed to Joanne, Julie, Felicia and Jessica. Maybe it's a KL thing. *shrug* At 17, you look pretty miserable. Studying's a drag and you hate curfews and being perpetually grounded. Ten years from now, you'll have all the freedom and time in the world that you won't know what to do with yourself. Standing up for what you think is right has got you far, but speaking in anger has led you into many hot soups. You sti...