Food from our Travels
There is this little bookstore tuck deep in the maze of little shops and alleys at Sg Wang Plaza which is my favourite hang out place during lunch hour.
It's basically an old magazine shop and holds heaps and mounds of treasure for those who don't mind judging books by its covers. You see, every magazine is wrapped and sealed in clear plastic so you never get to flip through it like you would at a regular magazine store.
Most of the magazines there are back issues of foreign titles from the US, Australia or Europe and are never ever found in any other bookstore. I usually pick out the ones I like, and note their titles and then rush back to Google them to see if they're worth buying.
So when I spot an issue that's two months old, it goes to the top of my list cause that's practically brand new! The best part is, what would usually cost RM28-RM40 would only be beetween RM9.90-RM15.90. That's a steal!!!
It's still a lot to pay for a magazine but I supposed it's better than waiting 10 years to buy a copy of "Best Hairstyles of 2011" for RM5 (also sold at Giant Hypermarkets)
Well today, I was browsing through the shelves and they had just been recently restocked and I stumble accross a REALLY beautiful magazine cover by Vogue Australia Entertaining + Travel.

I've never known Vogue to have an Entertaining + Travel mag so i bought it and I'm just amazed at every page! The colours, the composition, the layout, the content! I'm dying at every page turn. Gosh! IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!
It's basically an old magazine shop and holds heaps and mounds of treasure for those who don't mind judging books by its covers. You see, every magazine is wrapped and sealed in clear plastic so you never get to flip through it like you would at a regular magazine store.
Most of the magazines there are back issues of foreign titles from the US, Australia or Europe and are never ever found in any other bookstore. I usually pick out the ones I like, and note their titles and then rush back to Google them to see if they're worth buying.
So when I spot an issue that's two months old, it goes to the top of my list cause that's practically brand new! The best part is, what would usually cost RM28-RM40 would only be beetween RM9.90-RM15.90. That's a steal!!!
It's still a lot to pay for a magazine but I supposed it's better than waiting 10 years to buy a copy of "Best Hairstyles of 2011" for RM5 (also sold at Giant Hypermarkets)
Well today, I was browsing through the shelves and they had just been recently restocked and I stumble accross a REALLY beautiful magazine cover by Vogue Australia Entertaining + Travel.

I've never known Vogue to have an Entertaining + Travel mag so i bought it and I'm just amazed at every page! The colours, the composition, the layout, the content! I'm dying at every page turn. Gosh! IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!!!
